Walking Aids for Your Needs

If you're looking to buy a new rollator or walking aid, take a look at our affordable quality rollators here. Trionics has an online offer of modern and smart Swedish rollators and walking aids, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, as well as for an active lifestyle.

Rediscover the world around you with reliable Walking Aids

A truly good rollator makes you eager to use it and explore the city. We offer a range of rollator models for both indoor and outdoor use. A walking difficulty doesn't mean you should miss out on life's moments. Our rollator is a perfect aid that not only helps you walk but also provides convenience in various ways. You can also use the rollator as a seat, so you don't have to search for an outdoor bench when you need to take a rest. Furthermore, our rollators are perfect for conveniently packing and transporting your shopping from the store.

Modern Walking Aids with intelligent features that suit your specific needs.

Modern rollators differ significantly from the models of the past. During the 1950s, the walking frame was introduced, which looked like a rollator without wheels. It was not until the 1970s that inventor Aina Wifalk added wheels to this frame and invented the rollator. Having experienced mobility challenges herself, she sought a better way to assist individuals in the same situation.

At Trionics, you can purchase modern rollators with smart solutions such as air-filled wheels, hub brakes, and patented features like special climbing wheels and synchronised steering. We offer all-terrain models for outdoor use that conquer any path, as well as rollators that provide exceptional manoeuvrability and comfort. Our goal is to provide you with the best rollator available in the market – the ultimate walking support for indoor use, urban environments, and challenging terrains.

Walking Aids suited for indoor and outdoor use.

Our modern standard rollator, the Walker, equipped with 9-inch wheels, is a perfect choice for both indoor and outdoor use. You can rely on our rollator whether you use it indoors or outdoors. For a comfortable outdoor stroll on cobbles and uneven streets, we recommend a rollator with 12-inch wheels. We also have a rollator with 14-inch wheels for those seeking swift manoeuvring outdoors. The larger the wheels, the faster you'll move. 

Walking aids for Indoor Use

Veloped: your Walking Aid companion for outdoor life

If you lead an active lifestyle, the Veloped is the perfect rollator for you. With its innovative and award-winning design, the Veloped promotes physical activity and enhances your outdoor experiences. It is the world's first true all-terrain rollator. When walking on uneven outdoor surfaces like cobbles, gravel, or through forests and nature trails, the Veloped surpasses ordinary rollators without a doubt. With its climbing front wheel, you can easily navigate grass, roots, gravel, stones, and mud. You can attach bags and equipment to the frame, and when you need a rest, take advantage of the comfortable seat.

Walking aids for Outdoor Use

Different Walking Aids for various leisure activities

We offer specialised rollators, referred to as "velopeds", designed for different outdoor activities, such as:

  • Sports
  • Golf
  • Hiking
  • Trekking
  • Hunting

If you prefer a model for indoor use, consider purchasing a rollator from our Walker series. While these models can also be used outdoors, they are not specifically designed for demanding recreational activities like the Velopeds.

Click here to view all our rollators.

Order a physical catalogue featuring all our rollators and products, and we will deliver it to you.

Learn more about indoor Walking Aids or outdoor Walking Aids.

프리미엄 품질의 롤레이터(바퀴형 보행보조기)에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

더 많은 내용을 알고 싶으세요? 아래에서 벨로페드 및 워커 보행보조기에 대해 배우는 데 필요한 모든 것을 찾을 수 있습니다.

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