Trionic's environmental and sustainability policy

Trionic Sverige AB provides products and services that offer walking support for people with physical disabilities. Because our products make our customers more independent, more mobile and physically capable, we see that the dependency on, for example, transport services and taxi/car journeys decreases, which has a positive impact on the environment.

While designing, manufacturing and marketing our products, we digitize and streamline our processes as much as possible, resulting in less travel, less paper printing and less transport.

Trionic Sverige AB is run responsibly, i.e. the way a good corporate citizen should be run. This means, among other things, that we take into account everyone's health and well-being, regardless of whether this concerns employees, subcontractors and their employees, customers or other people who are in any way affected by what we do.

All employees, customers, suppliers and stakeholders of Trionic Sverige AB must respect and maintain a good working environment and take into account human rights based on the UN Global Compact.

This environmental and sustainability policy forms the basis for Trionic Sverige AB's work on the environment, sustainability and social responsibility. It defines how Trionic Sverige AB affects the environment, who is responsible within the organiation and how this policy is translated into goals and actions.


Trionic conducts its active environmental work in collaboration with customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders and strives to meet and exceed the stipulated general requirements. Trionic Sverige AB will, as a minimum, comply with applicable legal requirements regarding environmental aspects and, in the few areas of the business in which it is relevant, prevent pollution.

The Managing Director is responsible for legal compliance and ultimately responsible for Trionic Sverige AB's work.

This policy must be communicated to all stakeholders within the company, and it is the responsibility of each person to ensure that this is done within their own organization. This also includes the responsibility to ensure that employees and stakeholders who are affected by specific objectives, rules, procedures or other information have access to the policy.

It is the responsibility of each employee to comply with the rules and procedures that the company has set up for its work on the environment. Environmental management in the office is handled by the administrative staff. The procurement manager is responsible for ensuring that environmental considerations are taken into account when purchasing and procuring for the company. The sales manager in each market is responsible for ensuring that aftermarket objectives are met in terms of the environment and sustainability.

As part of our operations, we have identified the following areas as the most important from an environmental point of view:

• Waste

Our daily operations include warehouse, workshop and office work and this generates waste such as metal, paper, packaging, electronics, fluorescent tubes and batteries. Trionic Sverige AB aims to reduce the amount of waste and to ensure that the waste that does arise is recycled and sorted in an environmentally sound manner.

• Energy

We consume energy in the form of heat, hot water and electricity. Trionic Sverige AB strives to reduce energy consumption and ensuring that the energy used is eco-labelled.

• Chemicals

To the extent that chemicals are used, they must be approved by the person responsible internally and must be the choice that works for the business with the least environmental impact.

• Travel

When travelling as part of work, the following measures must always be considered: a reasonable choice of more environmentally friendly means of transport, such as trains instead of planes, reasonable use of, for example, video conferencing instead of travel, and the reasonable choice of a more sustainable vehicle.

• Procurement

It is primarily by choosing the most sustainable supplier or subcontractor that Trionic Sverige AB can reduce its environmental impact from procurement and purchasing. The environment must be considered as a parameter for the purchasing and procurement of all products and systems. Trionic Sverige AB works actively on the selection of subcontractors, among other things to reduce the amount of transportation carried out in the manufacturing of the company's products. Consumables that are purchased must bear one of the well-established eco-labels.

• Sales and aftermarket

Trionic Sverige AB's customers affect the environment by, for example, handling expired or discarded equipment correctly. When selecting its aftermarket support, Trionic Sverige AB must, in addition to considering the environment, also work to reduce the environmental impact of the company's customers.

Management system

Trionic Sverige AB's work is based on ISO 26000, an international standard for social responsibility. The standard is based on seven core areas: organizational management, human rights, working conditions, environment, responsible business practices, consumer issues and local community development. With this way of working, Trionic Sverige AB wants to encourage us all to go beyond what the law requires regarding the environment.

When purchasing and working with suppliers, Trionic Sverige AB uses the Global Compact, a UN initiative that stipulates ten general principles for corporate social responsibility. The principles are based on international conventions on human rights, labor, environmental and anti-corruption laws.

Trionic Sverige AB carries out active environmental work. Reducing the company's environmental impact is an ongoing process of continuous improvement. We update our environmental policy annually and, based on that, the environmental aspects identified are translated into environmental objectives with action plans to achieve them.

Every year, a control is done to see whether the environmental and sustainability objectives are being met. If not, an action plan must be drawn up. The administrative manager is responsible for this self-monitoring.

프리미엄 품질의 롤레이터(바퀴형 보행보조기)에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

더 많은 내용을 알고 싶으세요? 아래에서 벨로페드 및 워커 보행보조기에 대해 배우는 데 필요한 모든 것을 찾을 수 있습니다.

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